Battling rough, cracked lips? Time to fetch the no-frills big guns –
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Battling rough, cracked lips? Time to fetch the no-frills big guns

Central heating and icy weather wreak havoc with delicate lip skin, so restorative balms and serums are invaluable.

There are two types of lip balm: the pretty, flavoursome type for a quick and pleasing slick of moisture, gloss or colour; and the no-frills tube that’s deployed in the event of chapping, flaking, cracking or even bleeding.

In winter, it’s the no-frills tube that’s invaluable, since it can restore, replenish and transform lips in a few days. The hokey cokey between central heating (should you be fortunate enough to have yours turned on) and icy winds wreaks havoc, and it’s all too easy to absentmindedly lick your lips for lubrication and make matters even worse.

Some medications (especially those for acne), vitamin deficiencies (not enough B12 from food is common) and the irresistible urge to bite off loose flakes compound the issue and so the big guns must be fetched.

Read More: theguardian


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